Frayed Bindings is a platform dedicated to helping readers discover romance books, categorized by genre and series, spanning classics to contemporary favorites, with convenient links to the author's websites, Amazon and details on Kindle Unlimited availability.
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A little background on the website name. Laura Pavlov has become one of my favorite authors and while I was reading her book Frayed, I read one of the passages between Jett and Addy talking about a piece of frayed rope.
I looked down at the rope between my fingers. One side was sealed, and the other had started to fray. “You’re kind of like this rope, right? Your whole life you’ve been like this,” I handed her the sealed edge, and she ran her fingers over it. “But eventually all ropes fray if they aren’t lying dormant. You’re just fraying a little later than the rest of us. But it means you’re living.”-Frayed-Laura Pavlov (available on Kindle Unlimited).
To me every book should be shared. Their binding should be frayed, used, and not lying dormant.